Ana María Gutierrez Montes
University of Murcia (UM). Researcher Head (IP)
Dr. Ana María Gutiérrez Montes has a degree and a European doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Murcia. Her main research activity, during the 13 years of experience since obtaining her doctorate, has focused on two main fields, the development and optimization of tests for the quantification of proteins, and the identification of new biomarkers of health and well-being in animals.
She has been a full professor in the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery at the University of Murcia since 2018 and has led the BioVetMed & Sport Sci research group since 2017 (biovetmed.com).
She has published more than 40 articles in highly prestigious international journals and has an h-index of 16.
She has led different research contracts with companies such as Cargill or Biozyme and with foreign universities such as Helsinky or Vienna.
In addition, he has participated in a total of 6 regional, national and international research projects.
Mail: agmontes@um.es